
“Twins”… Not even going to lie, when the ultrasound tech uttered that word, I had several complex emotions run throughout me at one time! I’m sure you could just imagine! And as they grew within, the apprehension increased; for I continued to question if I could actually do a decent job of caring for twins while already having a hard enough time holding down the fort with my toddler and tween! Just the thought was extremely overwhelming! (And that is putting it mildly.)

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Loving Me Back to Life

Nothing compares to a sacred, God-ordained marriage where God is your first love and your husband is your second.  It is a true blessing from above.  And did you know that your marriage is your ministry?  Being a Godly spouse is your God-given commission to give Him Glory as well as make you more like Him through the sanctification of the one-flesh union.  Below I will share how I was taught this Truth by watching the actions of my husband towards me in the worst of times. And if anyone knows how much time, energy and effort goes into such a sacrifice, it is my husband!

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