I believe that I have mentioned once or twice of my love for the Gospel of Luke. There’s a wonderful backstory to this book that just grips me. Luke was a physician and a Jew. The first mention of Luke is in the book of Acts (another favorite of mine). A very dear friend of Luke’s, Theophilis had been instructed about many things concerning Jesus. Luke wanted to make sure that his friend had the “perfect understanding” (Luke 1:3) of who Jesus was and what Jesus did. He told us that he was not an original Apostle or even an eye witness to Jesus’ words or works. Luke had met Paul on one of his missionary Journeys. It is believed he was then converted and went with Paul to Jerusalem from Troas, and was also with him during his imprisonment. Working hard he gathered information and eyewitness accounts, being very thorough. Because of this, he includes much information that the other Apostles did not, like:
- 17 parables
- Seven of Jesus’s miracles
- The story of conception
- The Angelic announcement
- Birth of Jesus
- Birth of John the Baptist
- Boyhood Jesus
So how can we share the gospel like Luke?
- Take great care to know the gospel
- Listen to God’s call and prompting
- Let the Holy Spirit lead
- Just start
Take great care to know the gospel
Luke went to Great Lengths to make sure that he had a perfect understanding of all that Jesus was and all that he did, before he wrote the letter to his friend. To begin sharing the gospel make sure that you have the core facts straight. Many have continued to stay lost because someone taught them a fire-and-brimstone Jesus; a rules and regulation Jesus. This is not truth.
So before we teach we must learn. That does not mean that you need a degree in theology. It does mean that you should be reading God’s word on a regular basis, meditating on his words and teachings, and spending time in prayer. Build your relationship with God, see him work in your life, learn about forgiveness and grace, and memorize scripture. This way you are ready when God calls you to share.
God’s, still small voice, speaks to each of us. Though it is not always a still small voice. As you grow closer to the father, you will learn how he speaks to you. You must listen for these promptings. See, God has a beautiful plan for each of our lives; yours, mine, and Betsy down the street. And he is not willing that any should perish. His Infinite Wisdom uses us to bring others into the fold. Isn’t that beautiful!? How amazing to be used by God to bring another brother or sister into the kingdom!
Luke felt the promptings of God to write to Theophilus about all that he had seen and heard. He could have ignored the spirit, but he obeyed. “To walk in the Spirit is to obey the initial promptings of the Spirit” (Charles Stanley). Now this will not always be easy, but when we do take that step in faith there is sure to be a reward in the end.
The Bible is God-breathed and every word is true. This means that Luke didn’t go off all willy-nilly and write a whole bunch of silliness. He let the Holy Spirit write through him. No, he gave up the control and let the spirit take the lead. It’s a lot of work and honestly I am not there yet, but things will always go much better when God goes first. “Just a whisper voice can tame the Seas, so who am I to try to take the lead.” In our own strength we can do nothing, but With God all things are possible (Philippians 4:13). If we are truly interested in saving souls we need to follow God, so that his will can be accomplished. We need to make it to where it is not us who speaks, but the Holy Spirit through us (Mark 13:11). Let the spirit lead and you will have all that you need.
Speaking like this to someone is sometimes hard, especially if you are an introvert like me! We are called to be about Jesus is business, and we can’t do that hiding in the closet. Well, you can if you blog! But, really, we are all faced with the friends and family that we know do not know Jesus as their Savior. If God has laid it on your heart to tell them about Jesus, then you need to step out and do it!
Sharing the gospel with others is a huge responsibility, but with God by our side we can show others to the kingdom and salvation of Jesus. So draw close to God, listen to his promptings, be led by the Holy Spirit, and get out there and be a Luke !