Something has been on my heart with the “busyness” of women in the church versus enjoying Jesus at home. While many of you are wrapped up in attending church conferences, prayer meetings, retreats, concerts, classes, etc, I wonder if you would be better off staying at home to learn from God directly and make a concerted effort to fellowship with your husband and children more?!
Where church activities are not bad, there ARE seasons when it is better to seek your Heavenly Father individually. He will teach you personally about how to be His Daughter, a Godly wife, a nurturing mother and beloved Sister. As a homemaker and homeschool mom, I have learned more inside my house than anywhere else. Remaining in my God-given role here has caused me to rely on the Holy Spirit for counsel and comfort, guidance and nurture, instruction and insight. Jesus IS my Pastor who shepherds my own heart through this maze every single day!
My home is the hard-knock training ground where I become skilled (not perfect) in how to be a helpmate to my husband and a mother who disciples her children for the Kingdom. Together, Jesus and I walk and talk throughout the day. Often, I cry out to my Savior. And other times I rejoice with Him because as I grow in my walk, I find secret, hidden gems along the way! It’s like my life is a treasure map! Sometimes there are landmines and pitfalls on the path but as I keep going, I also discover rare and sacred jewels just for me! All of this happens at home. And not that I have this road mastered but when I look back to where I started, lots of ground has been covered!
Don’t miss out on communing with your flock at home. “Is it time to say ‘no’ to future engagements and any further commitments that require your involvement to volunteer and serve ‘out there’ robbing those under your roof of you?” Please do not miss the moments God wants you to experience inside your own dwelling place by scattering opposed to gathering. Gird yourself up for the work that goes into caring for your sheep first before you go out feeding others, and let’s move from busy to blessed.
This year, my aim is to live without THOSE kinds of regrets. What about you?!
Precious and right on. Love it.
Thank you so much, Sister. I love and greatly appreciate your feedback! <3
agree and when we look back often times we only see that one set of foot prints and they are always heading forward
resting in Him! best place to be.
love you
It is such a blessing to be right here at home. The simplicity comes from receiving and enjoying God’s grace, space and pace in all of it! I am glad to have mama’s like you who have run this race well and now pour into our babes! Love you! <3