Homeschool Beginnings

Watching these kindergartners learn to read is the most precious, priceless thing! It takes patience. It takes focused attention. It takes time. But Moms, there’s truly such a reward in the process! <3
Therefore, I challenge you, if you have pre-k age littles, why not homeschool? Just pray about it. Please, for you as well as for them, take the plunge! You will be pressed, pruned, tested & tried for sure. But what a better way to learn how to serve, lay down your life, give of yourself like never before & allow the Lord the grow you. It’s a selfless sacrifice, I tell you. And I, personally, have had to suffer in my flesh A LOT in order to yield my desires to God’s. But I know I’m all the better for it. 😀
Consequently, I’m writing this particular blog just to see if you will search out if this way of life is one for you.
With all passion, I write these things because I don’t want you missing out on your calling if you know this really IS for you but you’ve just been ignoring the soft whisper to go with it!
The homeschooling lifestyle takes trusting your Heavenly Father on an even deeper level. Truly, I tell you, He is with you the entire way though… I promise! That’s my story. Now I have the opportunity to encourage you to also take that same leap of faith I did back when my daughter turned 4-years-old! And how glad I am today for the Holy Spirit’s strength, my husband’s support & willing kiddos who teach me everyday what it’s like to be like a child, as Jesus taught.

(Start simple. Pray a lot. Have fun. Give yourself the grace you’ve been given to mess up & make mistakes so that you too can learn along with your child(ren). And then, freely receive the blessings which undoubtedly come along with making such a choice!) 🙂

Love you all. <3

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