Have you ever watched the shows “Hoarders” or “Fixer Upper”? Well, my intention is to describe what happens in my life when, spiritually speaking, I let the Holy Spirit take my Hoarder Home and turn it into The Ultimate Fixer Upper! -Matthew 20:28 “Jesus did not come to be served but to serve…”
The Grace, Space and Pace to Run Your Race

As of late, my heart was drawn to the importance of appropriating God’s grace for our life’s race while simultaneously spurring others on in theirs! This entails focused intensity yet integrity while we run! We dare not contend with fellow believers as if they’re our competition but rather view them as comrades with us on the same winning team! Since every woman has been given such a massive mission as a helpmate, caretaker, comforter, teacher and so on, in my opinion, there is no room for such rivalry amongst Sisters! If we receive our responsibility as a high calling from our Creator Himself and gladly accept our allotment with gratitude, then the only other reasonable response to our female peers would be cheering them on in their work! Continue reading “The Grace, Space and Pace to Run Your Race”
Jesus is The Anchor for My Soul
Recently, our family went on a vacation to the Atlantic Ocean where Jesus reassured me, yet again, how He is the Anchor for my soul! Consequently, this blog will be written merely as an analogy comparing the condition of my soul to a novice brought out to the deep. So, for all my sea-faring friends and readers, I hope this post calms you the next time God leads you through a tumultuous voyage to remind you how He is still in charge of the winds and rains!
A Call Back to the Home

Something has been on my heart with the “busyness” of women in the church versus enjoying Jesus at home. While many of you are wrapped up in attending church conferences, prayer meetings, retreats, concerts, classes, etc, I wonder if you would be better off staying at home to learn from God directly and make a concerted effort to fellowship with your husband and children more?! Continue reading “A Call Back to the Home”
A Letter To A Mother About “The Important Work”

My Compilation for Moms
If you have yet to read any of my other blogs but are ignited by this one, each and every one of them are jam-packed full of divine insights about how my relationship with the Lord has overflowed into my relationship with myself, my husband and children as well as and others! Our Heavenly Father has shown me so much about the “mommy mission field”! The reason I wrote the Honing Into Home blog is so women would know God better through getting a glimpse into my life. This collection of thoughts magnify how The Author of life has placed us in extremely privileged positions when He made us mothers! The Giver of all things has graciously bestowed upon us these gifts of children to steward well, love on and make disciples for Him! How then will you treat His most treasured possessions?
(Cristine’s definition of mother)
Mothering= Intentionally nurturing the hearts of those created beings whom our massive God has put under our care to nourish, train & shepherd by His Spirit. This is a most exceptional stewardship from Him to us mothers in whatever form it shows itself- ie; adoptive, fostering, older women teaching younger ones- in order for us to ultimately show them the Lord’s love.
What is your personal definition?
Love Like Nurses: (The High Calling of Motherhood!)

Purposefully Present!

In The Potter’s Hands
For my 10 Year Wedding Anniversary, let’s take a look back at what my refinement has been like as a piece of clay in the Potter’s hands! Over the years, The Divine Potter has meticulously and miraculously molded me into His image so that I could become the Cristine I was created to be for God’s Glory! Over time, every squeeze of His hands applied just the right amount of pressure and was used to transform my ways and will to Christ’s likeness. It didn’t always feel good, to say the least, but a fire is meant to burn after all! Continue reading “In The Potter’s Hands”
Character for the Kingdom!