Have you ever watched the shows “Hoarders” or “Fixer Upper”? Well, my intention is to describe what happens in my life when, spiritually speaking, I let the Holy Spirit take my Hoarder Home and turn it into The Ultimate Fixer Upper! -Matthew 20:28 “Jesus did not come to be served but to serve…”
The Grace, Space and Pace to Run Your Race

As of late, my heart was drawn to the importance of appropriating God’s grace for our life’s race while simultaneously spurring others on in theirs! This entails focused intensity yet integrity while we run! We dare not contend with fellow believers as if they’re our competition but rather view them as comrades with us on the same winning team! Since every woman has been given such a massive mission as a helpmate, caretaker, comforter, teacher and so on, in my opinion, there is no room for such rivalry amongst Sisters! If we receive our responsibility as a high calling from our Creator Himself and gladly accept our allotment with gratitude, then the only other reasonable response to our female peers would be cheering them on in their work! Continue reading “The Grace, Space and Pace to Run Your Race”
Jesus is The Anchor for My Soul
Recently, our family went on a vacation to the Atlantic Ocean where Jesus reassured me, yet again, how He is the Anchor for my soul! Consequently, this blog will be written merely as an analogy comparing the condition of my soul to a novice brought out to the deep. So, for all my sea-faring friends and readers, I hope this post calms you the next time God leads you through a tumultuous voyage to remind you how He is still in charge of the winds and rains!
Healing What’s Unseen
This Passover season, I felt it was necessary to not only share about the One who rose from the grave, defeating death, hell and the grave in the earth but how He comparatively overcame those same soul diseases in each of us which in the past have left us disabled, blind, lame and paralyzed! So, let this blog be your prescription.
Let’s take an assessment? Do you feel you may need a tourniquet for your heart? Are you bleeding out somewhere internally, unawares? Symptoms may include but are not limited to: depression, anger, suppressed emotions, hopelessness, prolonged pessimism and/or a loss of desire for life in general. The real question (as posted above) is: Are you willing to seek healing for the unforeseen, hurting, desolate parts of your soul?
There are spaces within us which lie untouched because we are not yet ready and are unwilling to completely fall into the arms of Jesus by surrendering our deep and secret woes, fears and burdens into His care. It is as if those compartments inside us are barred off tightly from anyone or anything entering in behind the walls. And those walls have probably been reinforced over time because our former modes of protection from enemies, both foreign and domestic, once worked in order to keep us safe, hidden and far away from danger. (I get it. That is why I can write about these types of topics in the first place.)
Unfortunately though, as true as it may be that once upon a time our defense mechanisms were the best methods we knew to survive, presently they actually block out the Spirit’s presence from moving through the hidden rooms of your heart where Jesus wants full access. It’s just like a Doctor who is treating you would require FULL ACCESS. The cool thing here is that Jesus already knows your diagnosis and has the “medicine” for what is wrong. So, why not trust God with the battered, beat down, broken portions of our souls? It’s not survival of the fittest anymore. No, now Jesus wants the weary, burdened aspects of you and me. Can you show Him your battle scars and believe that He will dress them for you? Our Lord asked the handicapped man at the pool this question, so before moving on I will ask it, too. And if you answer “yes”, then by all means… read on.
“Do you WANT to get well?”
Love Like Nurses: (The High Calling of Motherhood!)

In The Potter’s Hands
For my 10 Year Wedding Anniversary, let’s take a look back at what my refinement has been like as a piece of clay in the Potter’s hands! Over the years, The Divine Potter has meticulously and miraculously molded me into His image so that I could become the Cristine I was created to be for God’s Glory! Over time, every squeeze of His hands applied just the right amount of pressure and was used to transform my ways and will to Christ’s likeness. It didn’t always feel good, to say the least, but a fire is meant to burn after all! Continue reading “In The Potter’s Hands”
Character for the Kingdom!

Over It to Overjoyed!

Loving Me Back to Life
