Farm, Farmer or Both?

Whenever anyone acquires a piece of land: AKA a spouse, children, a home & a ministry within those confines, there is quite a laborious process in tending the fields and farms before the gardens, orchards or vineyards actually start producing fruit, meaning families are flourishing as a whole unit.  There is hard, back-breaking work like plowing the field, ripping up weeds, tilling the soil, planting of seeds and watering the ground before the smallest sign of plant life even appears! Continue reading “Farm, Farmer or Both?”

The Gift of Time

Oftentimes, I am eager to get the kids out into nature for a reprieve. Who doesn’t need a hiatus every now & again?  A day sabbatical?  A break from routine?  You CAN have this very thing for yourselves.  The only stipulation is that you have to prioritize it!  For someone like me, no one has to twist my arm to “get me out of dodge”, so to speak!  Since I am an introvert at heart I frequently crave autonomy when it comes to how I spend my/our time.  I mean, I like to be around people but not necessarily interacting WITH people a lot.  Ergo, when the children & I venture out to different parks, playgrounds, lakes & rivers I get absolutely giddy because it’s like our own special oasis away from the world- yet we’re together all the same!  Continue reading “The Gift of Time”

Drink From The Well

Isn’t the point to lead others to that same well we once drew from? It is a place which represents the moment where we encountered Jesus and received His Living Water like the Woman at the Well. The “well” portrays a place where we left the cares of this life and heavy burdens of sorrow, shame, guilt and condemnation. In exchange for Himself, Jesus makes us new providing life eternal where we breathe deeper, walk lighter and take on anything the world brings with this new knowledge of how God is with us; Emmanuel! Nothing compares to the beautiful exchange which takes place at that well. Continue reading “Drink From The Well”

Mary Magdalene Turned Queen Esther (follow-up from “My Abortion” blogpost)

If you think Mary Magdalene can’t be changed into Queen Esther, you don’t know who Jesus is. Yesterday we went to place in a town we normally don’t venture through. As soon as we got there, I saw a man from my past with whom I got pregnant from and had an abortion with. My heart stopped for a moment when I saw him, and he saw me. He was with a woman. I was with my husband and children. He smiled. I smiled. Then, I looked away. Thank God my family and I proceeded to move to another area because I really was so clouded in that instance. The whole encounter happened so fast. All of a sudden, there I was- caught in between “then” and “now”. Continue reading “Mary Magdalene Turned Queen Esther (follow-up from “My Abortion” blogpost)”

My Abortion

As some know, I had an abortion when I was 22-yrs-old.  I was not a believer, so my decisions were based on my fleshly fear & selfish self will.  Well, years later the Lord showed me that this baby was a boy. I felt impressed upon by the Lord that this baby was to be called”Jack”  I often pray to God that He will open the Heavens every now & then to allow Jack to see me so that I can tell him how much I love him. Know that at the time I am writing this letter, I do believe I have received full forgiveness from Jack as well as the Lord from this grave sin against both of them as well as myself as well as the many others who would have been impacted by Jack’s life here on earth. Now I just want Jack to know that I love him, that I think of him often & that I can’t wait to see him when I get to Heaven. Continue reading “My Abortion”

A Constant Mess

For anyone who doesn’t know that I’m a constant mess restrained by God’s grace- I’m here to tell you that I am! I’m constantly battling with failing, inadequacy & unworthiness. I have doubts & fears. I weary myself with striving. I feel unimportant & uncared for more often than I let on. And sometimes I go into not so good places within for protection (that would be my introverted self)!
So, when you see anything “good” come from me… please know, it’s DESPITE me and entirely because of God’s grace through Christ & His Spirit who sustains me. Otherwise, I honestly would not be here even able to write this post! Continue reading “A Constant Mess”

When You Need To Change Things Up, It is OKAY!

After four years of us putting our own homeschool curriculum together, we finally decided on pre-packaged curriculum! YAY!!! 🙌
It has taken hours of prayer, observing our children, reading, researching, watching, waiting & a whole bunch of trial by fire to find out what works best for each of them (individually as well as together)! To say the least, the decisions were not made lightly as the options were vast & plentiful! I can see how anyone considering homeschooling can seem overwhelmed. But trust the Lord through the process! He will lead you to what path is right! Your eyes will be opened to how your children learn, and His Spirit will instruct you how best to educate them accordingly. Continue reading “When You Need To Change Things Up, It is OKAY!”

Closeness Matters!

When you have such a closeness with your children, you find harmony in your home (even when one of you is “off”). This week I’ve had to tend to pressing matters making me not as available to the children as usual. But these lil duckings have been utterly amazing! They have been quiet, kind, courteous and extremely helpful when I’ve needed them to be. And while it is clear they sense mommy is not her usual self, they’ve continued to carry on as if all was just the same. Continue reading “Closeness Matters!”

Smiling from My View

My view this morning:
Water bottles from our walk earlier. School going on right now. Juicer out ready to make apple & orange juice to be put into ice trays for ice pops with toothpicks. Then, making a pitcher of juice to drink. My turmeric tea is also somewhere up on that very full counter. Strawberries cut & placed in oven for making natural twizzlers. Laundry basket waiting on clothes to be done. And Mama smiling because there’s no where else I’d rather be in the world! Continue reading “Smiling from My View”

Quieter Days Are Welcome Here

Today was one of those days I absolutely delight in! We were tired from weekend activities, so while scattered rain showers kept coming and going outside… inside we had a calm, quiet, joyful day. It was full of homeschooling, chores, lots of imaginary playtime and a surprise visit from a dear friend who brought with her the lovely children she looks after.
I’m discovering more and more that as we continue on in The Fathers abounding grace with hearts that want to serve the Lord, our Loving Savior grants us all we need and more to complete our missions while here on earth. Therefore, let us passionately grab a hold of this massive responsibility to be good stewards of all we’ve been handed! Continue reading “Quieter Days Are Welcome Here”