Farm, Farmer or Both?

A place for Christian moms to call home and be called back to home…
After four years of us putting our own homeschool curriculum together, we finally decided on pre-packaged curriculum! YAY!!!
It has taken hours of prayer, observing our children, reading, researching, watching, waiting & a whole bunch of trial by fire to find out what works best for each of them (individually as well as together)! To say the least, the decisions were not made lightly as the options were vast & plentiful! I can see how anyone considering homeschooling can seem overwhelmed. But trust the Lord through the process! He will lead you to what path is right! Your eyes will be opened to how your children learn, and His Spirit will instruct you how best to educate them accordingly. Continue reading “When You Need To Change Things Up, It is OKAY!”
My view this morning:
Water bottles from our walk earlier. School going on right now. Juicer out ready to make apple & orange juice to be put into ice trays for ice pops with toothpicks. Then, making a pitcher of juice to drink. My turmeric tea is also somewhere up on that very full counter. Strawberries cut & placed in oven for making natural twizzlers. Laundry basket waiting on clothes to be done. And Mama smiling because there’s no where else I’d rather be in the world! Continue reading “Smiling from My View”