Trust that Jesus suffered for you, bled for you and died for you. Receive God’s forgiveness through that shed Blood. Accept His Spirit into your hearts by faith. Confess your sins. Repent of your ways. Repentance is simply turning away from your sins (not wanting to go against God in action or word anymore). Pray that Jesus would bring you into FULL SURRENDER of soul so that He is Lord of your entire life.
Know that Jesus is God in the flesh, and He came here to bring you salvation by grace. It is your free will whether you’ll accept what He did for you or not. God has blessed us with the option to choose death or life, victim or victory, oppressed or overcomer.
Upon your confession of faith as well as admittance of sins (hurting the heart of God, yourself and others), you will receive a new spiritual heart that is from Him and for Him! Undeniably, as a child of God you behold Christ’s presence and power of the Almighty to overcome any addiction, habit or vice which the enemy has held you captive with in order to keep you bound to him. But the enemy is defeated! Jesus rose from the grave after three days by God’s resurrection power in Him proving that not even death could hold him down! This tells us that we, too, can live forever with God as children of the Most High! That doesn’t mean you won’t die physically but it does mean that you won’t stay in the ground; your life is not over for good. Your newfound hope will reveal to you how you’ll live on from here with your Heavenly Father.
Father God LOVES you so much. He desires fellowship with you to the extent of being tortured, tormented, beaten and bruised beyond recognition! To think, He did all of that for YOU because He wants you! Christ took our place on that Cross like a criminal yet was without sin. He did that so we would be forgiven and live forever with God.
In conclusion, right now, please just put your hands up in an outward act of all abandon, or get down on your knees, or lie down with face to the ground in awe of what you just read. Ask for a heart which desires to submit. God created you for fellowship with Him but when sin entered the world, we lived in darkness breaking that bond. So Jesus, who is God in the flesh, came to rescue us out of that darkness and reconcile us to Himself! This was the Only Way where sinful people could become righteous and live in unity with a Holy God again! I mean, He faced death for you so that you could live with Him in eternity! In view of these Truths, please welcome His marvelous Light! It’s the ultimate Rescue Plan! This is Redemption! I pray you see the enormity of what He’s done for you! Oh, what a Savior!
Is this not the Greatest Love Story?!!! A righteous and Holy God dies as a man taking the world’s sins upon Himself so that His children could in turn become righteous and live as heirs in His Kingdom! WOW!
Dare I say again: Will you receive the Gospel message?
If you’re reading this and feel a tug inside, His Spirit is pursuing you!!! Make room in your hearts and let Him in now! Then, go read the Bible so you can learn more because His Spirit will teach you as you do. Be baptized. And in turn, make disciples leading others into the best relationship ever known!
Amen! Thank you Jesus for the gift of salvation and eternity with You!
Thank you Cristine for a beautiful message!
He loves us so! <3
Yes He does! ♡♡♡
Thank you, Amy! I was moved by Father to spring this one forward on the forum! It is always essential for me to keep the main thing the main thing. You are consistently used to stimulate my spirit to push on, Sis! I appreciate you. <3
Thank you, Amy! I was moved by Father to spring this one forward on the forum! It is always essential for me to keep the main thing the main thing. You are consistently used to stimulate my spirit to push onward, Sis! I appreciate you. <3