When The Children Evangelize

As their mom, I am so proud of these little ones! They made little Gospel cards in order to hand them out in our neighborhood. Words are written inside them like “God loves you” and “Jesus died for you”!

Ok, so usually they choose to stick these love notes inside cards they make for friends & family. The original idea they themselves came up with was to throw these messages out at peoples’ houses while riding their bikes through the neighborhood (like mail delivery).

Today was a special day, though. The three brave souls featured here handed out one of the papers to a few ladies who were down at the lake by where we live. And as I have no clue who those women were nor why they were there (other than enjoying each other’s company & the glorious weather), they certainly received a surprise gift this afternoon! And they got nothing shy of a divine kiss from above, that is for sure! <3

To model how to communicate in such a situation, I briefly spoke with the women as we approached them to explain what they were receiving & why. Big smiles & “thank you’s” greeted us in return. 😀

Moms, may we always encourage our children (as well as the younger generation as a whole) to share their faith boldly. Go ahead & get creative like these lil guys were in how they chose to bring Jesus!


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