“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” – Mark 16:15
“I know a blog post probably won’t turn your heart to Jesus but let me tell you how lost I was before Him! I was super rageful, promiscuous, selfish, deceitful, (etc, etc) filled with shame & guilt & regret! My sin blinded me to do things I am not proud of, in the least. But I was found by the Greatest Love I’ve ever known! Christ is Lord over my life, and I’ll forever serve Him because He showed me how as God in the flesh, He came to earth to suffer & die for everything I’ve ever done! My Savior forgave my sin taking my due punishment upon Himself instead! His shed Blood was poured out on my behalf! His love to me made Him give His life for me! And on the third day after dying & being buried, He rose showing me I too live the resurrected life! This means I’ll live on forever with Him into eternity even if I die in my earthly body because He gave me His Spirit which is eternal! And even in troubles now I have Him with me which means freedom! Through heartache joy is found, after mourning comes dancing, in times of anger and confusion comes peace and in moments of deepest despair comes hope!
Jesus Christ died for you too. Please put your faith in Him today, for we are only righteous because of what He did and who He is! This fact really takes the pressure off of us “having to get ourselves together” on our own (which is impossible). His Spirit will live in you and grant you power to fulfill God’s plan for why you’re alive in the first place! We live in a time where there’s no time to ponder the words you just read. So, ask Jesus to show Himself to you. Grace to enter Heaven is found only in Him. Come be raw & get real with what you’ve done and how you know you need help leading to true repentance so that you too can share in the same understanding of this Truth. We were all lost at one point. Some have already be found. Which are you? Is He calling your name but you’re not answering? Please respond now because it’s time!

Amen! So glad that we serve such a loving Father, who so badly wanted us to spend eternity with Him that He sent His only Son to take our place!
Thank You Father!
He is a Good, Good Father. <3
Amen, Amy! He is a Good, Good Father! <3