Matthew 11: 25 At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 26 Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.” 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
(The day before I was led to these verses, I was wailing & whining about what God was calling me to with my children. I honestly think I felt for a brief moment what Jonah experienced. Just call me “Jonette”! I was sweating, exhausted, running on empty already at 10 a.m. in the morning wondering how I would make it through the rest of the day with my children- not to mention the rest of the summer! I was like “how could I ever even considered the thought of possibly homeschooling them at some point?” That was me… totally freaking out!) Continue reading “God trusts ME with His children?!!!”
A Child’s Choice To Be Baptized!
So, for my daughter’s 7th birthday, she requested to get baptized. She is sure she wants to do this, and of course her father and I went through some heart questions in order to make sure she understands what being baptized means. Well, I think the questionnaire below speaks volumes once you see her replies! 🙂
This child reminds me so much of her older sister who wanted to go feed the homeless people on the streets of Atlanta for her birthday once. And she did just that! She took friends along with her as well! Oh, what a witness to those people she was that day! And what a witness to her middle school peers at the time too!
To say we are proud of the decision our soon-to-be seven-year-old is making (and has made) is an understatement. But to see her replies to the questions on this paper about her relationship with our Lord and Savior… Well, how could my heart not just be swelling with overflowing joy!
This princess was named after her earthly father whose name is Aarron meaning “priestly”. Well, her first name means “from a town of priests”! And her middle name means “messenger”! Would you not agree that this little girl is indeed living up to her name as a “priestly messenger” to publicly proclaim to her family, friends and church that she knows who Jesus is to her and who she is to Him?!
My oh my am I hoping she keeps such childlike faith; for all around there is such a desperate need of the Light she carries! And as far as this mother goes… all can say is: may I learn from this child and continue to share my faith just as boldly to a lost and dying world! <3
God’s Love for You and Me
Thinking this morning on God and how big and Great He is! He redeems the time. He loves us in our brokenness. He loves us when we are unlovable. He loves us when we hate ourselves. He loves us back to life. (I know this for a fact personally). And in response to that love- then and only then can we love Him back plus truly love one another. He has shown me this Great love and in response, I give Him my life. I confess my yuck to Him. I ask for His forgiveness of sin in my depravity. He not only forgives me but takes the shame and condemnation. Along with forgiveness, He adds to it His power that allows me to walk in obedience to His Word. He keeps me humble. He holds me and sustains me. He renews me day by day. And yes… He even disciplines me because He loves me. He fills my heart so full of Him that I cannot help but praise Him & thank Him. Does that mean everything is perfect? Nope. Not even close. But is there light in the darkness and peace through the storms? Yes. Continue reading “God’s Love for You and Me”