When Mommy needs a break!

Today, Mommy needed a day of rest according to Daddy & the children. My day of rest consists of prayer, digging into God’s Word, doing a study, listening to a message, journaling and corresponding with like minded people online all the while locked away in the bedroom. 😉 Well, not completely… I did leave the house once in order to fit in a walk after the rain passed!
Continue reading “When Mommy needs a break!”

Are You Excelling at THIS though?

From one woman to the other women out there, here are my thoughts today for wives & mothers (please don’t critique run-on sentences & spelling!): If we excel at everything under the sun from reaching our educational goals to going after those great careers to mastering sports to exercising until we reach that awesome fit body, (etc, etc) BUT neglect our most important roles as Godly wives & mothers, we lose in this thing called life. Continue reading “Are You Excelling at THIS though?”

Farm, Farmer or Both?

Whenever anyone acquires a piece of land: AKA a spouse, children, a home & a ministry within those confines, there is quite a laborious process in tending the fields and farms before the gardens, orchards or vineyards actually start producing fruit, meaning families are flourishing as a whole unit.  There is hard, back-breaking work like plowing the field, ripping up weeds, tilling the soil, planting of seeds and watering the ground before the smallest sign of plant life even appears! Continue reading “Farm, Farmer or Both?”

Thankful for The Pain?

I am thankful for trials, afflictions, sufferings & troubles in this life.  And before you say “That’s crazy.  She’s either nuts or lying”- Let me briefly tell you why I am thankful for the sufferings I’ve experienced- which have been many in my 39 years of life.
Through my most difficult times, I’ve grown closer to God.  It’s in those times when He squeezes out everything in me that is not of Him & He humbles me.  By His Spirit’s power in me, it’s in those times I’ve been given strength to endure that crushing work He’s doing to make me more like Christ.  It’s in these times when He’s shown me His great compassion & amazing mercy as well as His abounding love!  Consequently, I can then give those things in increasing measure to others as well as myself. Continue reading “Thankful for The Pain?”

The Gift of Time

Oftentimes, I am eager to get the kids out into nature for a reprieve. Who doesn’t need a hiatus every now & again?  A day sabbatical?  A break from routine?  You CAN have this very thing for yourselves.  The only stipulation is that you have to prioritize it!  For someone like me, no one has to twist my arm to “get me out of dodge”, so to speak!  Since I am an introvert at heart I frequently crave autonomy when it comes to how I spend my/our time.  I mean, I like to be around people but not necessarily interacting WITH people a lot.  Ergo, when the children & I venture out to different parks, playgrounds, lakes & rivers I get absolutely giddy because it’s like our own special oasis away from the world- yet we’re together all the same!  Continue reading “The Gift of Time”

Drink From The Well

Isn’t the point to lead others to that same well we once drew from? It is a place which represents the moment where we encountered Jesus and received His Living Water like the Woman at the Well. The “well” portrays a place where we left the cares of this life and heavy burdens of sorrow, shame, guilt and condemnation. In exchange for Himself, Jesus makes us new providing life eternal where we breathe deeper, walk lighter and take on anything the world brings with this new knowledge of how God is with us; Emmanuel! Nothing compares to the beautiful exchange which takes place at that well. Continue reading “Drink From The Well”