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Simplicity – Honing in to Home

A Call Back to the Home

Something has been on my heart with the “busyness” of women in the church versus enjoying Jesus at home. While many of you are wrapped up in attending church conferences, prayer meetings, retreats, concerts, classes, etc, I wonder if you would be better off staying at home to learn from God directly and make a concerted effort to fellowship with your husband and children more?! Continue reading “A Call Back to the Home”

A Letter To A Mother About “The Important Work”

Mother, let’s discuss the “The Important Work” your position holds. I pray your heart is touched to the core to where the virtues written about here and the very essence of who you are become one! And may the blessing which follow also be yours as stated in Proverbs 31:28 “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.” Continue reading “A Letter To A Mother About “The Important Work””

Purposefully Present!

How does one become “purposefully present” in a digital age where technology is one of the main sources of how people work, play and communicate these days? As for myself, in order to accomplish that objective, it’s taken tons of prayer to learn how to guard my heart above all else, as Proverbs says, knowing it is the wellspring of life! Personally, this means making the commitment to eradicate some things in order to give people my full, undivided attention! And in my search for answers, I have found that focused intentionality is the only route for me towards becoming distraction-free and purposefully present!

Continue reading “Purposefully Present!”

A Father’s Take on Shepherding His Children

Sheep are not known to be terribly fierce. They’re not frightful beasts.  And where the popular culture paints children as terrors to be cordoned off, caged or relegated to “the kids’ table”, Jesus regards them as important members of His flock. While the Bible teaches us “spare the rod; spoil the child”, it also tells us not to provoke them to wrath.  So, what do we do?  Continue reading “A Father’s Take on Shepherding His Children”

Over It to Overjoyed!

Moving from “over it” to “overjoyed” is the difference between trusting in self and trusting in the Lord! With the combined roles of Daughter, Godly wife and homeschooling mom, I’ve come to recognize how my sole source of pure joy is from Christ alone and not self! Experientially, I’ve also learned that there’s no possible way for me deliver my duties with diligence without a keen insight into what my Heavenly Father’s desires are for me and my household. Moreover, there’s the added responsibility in upholding the position of friend, loving neighbor and faithful witness. Yes, we women wear many hats and that could seem overwhelming at times. Yet we can rejoice knowing we’re not left on our own! God’s Spirit instructs us in how to order your days aright while providing all we need to carry out those plans! And that is where genuine joy is found! Not that I follow every instruction perfectly, of course, but I can verify how peace is present when I do adhere to the Shepherd’s voice! Listening to Him over what I think best brings such simplicity and the utmost joy to life! Continue reading “Over It to Overjoyed!”

Focus on the Process Not The Progress

Honestly, it has been a life-long battle of mine to stay focused on the process opposed to the progress of life! The truth is, I am an executer by nature so I’m always aiming to accomplish good results in any given situation. It is pretty much the exact opposite of a procrastinator. And where that can be a positive virtue, where people know they can rely on me to complete my work and do it with excellence, it has its downfalls, too. The negative side of being the perfect soldier is that it’s caused me to put results above relationships more often than I would like to admit. Continue reading “Focus on the Process Not The Progress”

They See More Than They Hear

One of the most precious things happened yesterday.  I made some sort of cool pipe cleaner flower craft.  My eight-year-old says “Mommy, wow!  How did you do that?”  I said “Oh, yeah… wow, Jesus must have taught me!”  (Featured in photo is Presleigh’s version.)  So, later this wise observer of mine and I were playing soccer when I said “Wow! Great kick!  How’d you learn how to kick like that?”  She replied “Jesus taught me!”  This is an old post but it is extremely relevant to today.  The point is that children are watching more of what we do than what we say.   Continue reading “They See More Than They Hear”

“Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”

When repetitive waves of woes hit his life, Job replied to his wife with these words “Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” in Job 2:10

Trouble is a part of life.  Jesus Himself confirmed it in John 16:33: “In this world you will have trouble.” How we respond to trouble is what makes all the difference in the world!  I have had my share of troubles, hardships and tribulations.  And although, in the past, I have not responded to them with joy as James 1 tells us to do, presently I am learning to do just that.  “Consider it pure joy when we face trials of many kinds…”  How can trouble ever be thought of as a joy?  Well, let’s look at that for a moment. Continue reading ““Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?””

“Trustful Toiling”

Will you take the risk a wise farmer does to work their field regardless of the unforeseen outcome? Spiritually speaking, let’s compare the farmer to followers of Christ.  A good farmer will pour himself out in order to manage his land well.  Comparably, Christians must exert energy in order to manage the land entrusted to them in the form of relationships.   A healthy approach to most all problems relationally are resolved with much prayer, God’s grace to forgive and ask for forgiveness along with honest to goodness communication!  The Lord has taught me how do that last one where I own my part within controversies with a heart for reconciliation.  

Journey with me where I compare farmers to believers in how to handle things under our care accordingly:  “God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.  And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”  2 Corinthians 5:19 Continue reading ““Trustful Toiling””