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Motherhood – Honing in to Home

God trusts ME with His children?!!!

Matthew 11: 25 At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 26 Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.” 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
(The day before I was led to these verses, I was wailing & whining about what God was calling me to with my children. I honestly think I felt for a brief moment what Jonah experienced. Just call me “Jonette”! I was sweating, exhausted, running on empty already at 10 a.m. in the morning wondering how I would make it through the rest of the day with my children- not to mention the rest of the summer! I was like “how could I ever even considered the thought of possibly homeschooling them at some point?” That was me… totally freaking out!) Continue reading “God trusts ME with His children?!!!”

The Grace, Space and Pace to Run Your Race

The Book of Ecclesiastes says “My heart took delight in all my work, and this was the reward for all my labor.”  Are you delighting yourself in the Lord and the privilege He’s blessed you with of partaking in the sacred roles of wife and mother while upon the earth?  If so, a delightful countenance would be your reward, according to Solomon.  Do you walk around downtrodden, heavy laden, overburdened and stressed or do you understand how Solomon also goes on to say that there is nothing better than to find satisfaction in your work?  Actually, he boldly proclaims how “enjoying your lot in life is the gift of God!”  As one of the wisest men who ever lived, Solomon declares that “there is nothing better for us than to enjoy our work!”  His words are paramount for any Christian Sister to accept God’s grace and space and pace solely marked out for their distinct race!

As of late, my heart was drawn to the importance of appropriating God’s grace for our life’s race while simultaneously spurring others on in theirs!  This entails focused intensity yet integrity while we run!  We dare not contend with fellow believers as if they’re our competition but rather view them as comrades with us on the same winning team!  Since every woman has been given such a massive mission as a helpmate, caretaker, comforter, teacher and so on, in my opinion, there is no room for such rivalry amongst Sisters!  If we receive our responsibility as a high calling from our Creator Himself and gladly accept our allotment with gratitude, then the only other reasonable response to our female peers would be cheering them on in their work! Continue reading “The Grace, Space and Pace to Run Your Race”

A Call Back to the Home

Something has been on my heart with the “busyness” of women in the church versus enjoying Jesus at home. While many of you are wrapped up in attending church conferences, prayer meetings, retreats, concerts, classes, etc, I wonder if you would be better off staying at home to learn from God directly and make a concerted effort to fellowship with your husband and children more?! Continue reading “A Call Back to the Home”

A Letter To A Mother About “The Important Work”

Mother, let’s discuss the “The Important Work” your position holds. I pray your heart is touched to the core to where the virtues written about here and the very essence of who you are become one! And may the blessing which follow also be yours as stated in Proverbs 31:28 “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.” Continue reading “A Letter To A Mother About “The Important Work””

My Compilation for Moms

Hi, Everyone!  As there was an abundance of written material I could have compiled into one blog, after combing through a few gems, I chose these few rich discoveries of mine to inspire moms everywhere to hold this calling of mother as a high one.

If you have yet to read any of my other blogs but are ignited by this one, each and every one of them are jam-packed full of divine insights about how my relationship with the Lord has overflowed into my relationship with myself, my husband and children as well as and others! Our Heavenly Father has shown me so much about the “mommy mission field”! The reason I wrote the Honing Into Home blog is so women would know God better through getting a glimpse into my life. This collection of thoughts magnify how The Author of life has placed us in extremely privileged positions when He made us mothers!  The Giver of all things has graciously bestowed upon us these gifts of children to steward well, love on and make disciples for Him!  How then will you treat His most treasured possessions?

(Cristine’s definition of mother)
Mothering= Intentionally nurturing the hearts of those created beings whom our massive God has put under our care to nourish, train & shepherd by His Spirit. This is a most exceptional stewardship from Him to us mothers in whatever form it shows itself- ie; adoptive, fostering, older women teaching younger ones- in order for us to ultimately show them the Lord’s love. 

What is your personal definition?

Continue reading “My Compilation for Moms”

Love Like Nurses: (The High Calling of Motherhood!)

The King James translation of First Thessalonians 2:7 reads: “But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherisheth her children“. The word “cherish” is a verb meaning “to care for tenderly; nurture.” My children are learning verbs in grammar so they know that a verb is an action word. Therefore, we must show our love by what we do. And according to the Scripture mentioned above, one aspect of how we moms can show care for our children is to love them like nurses! Continue reading “Love Like Nurses: (The High Calling of Motherhood!)”

In The Potter’s Hands

For my 10 Year Wedding Anniversary, let’s take a look back at what my refinement has been like as a piece of clay in the Potter’s hands! Over the years, The Divine Potter has meticulously and miraculously molded me into His image so that I could become the Cristine I was created to be for God’s Glory! Over time, every squeeze of His hands applied just the right amount of pressure and was used to transform my ways and will to Christ’s likeness. It didn’t always feel good, to say the least, but a fire is meant to burn after all! Continue reading “In The Potter’s Hands”

Character for the Kingdom!

Character training is a main vein that runs through the thread of our parenting style. In being a Godly mother and father, we understand the value of raising children for the Kingdom who will exemplify Christ to everyone they meet. This is the very reason why we take the time to passionately pour into them. As parents, my husband and I believe God’s divine plan means that we should have the most influence over our children. This is a major undertaking which encompasses teaching, training and mentoring our son and daughters on how to follow the Lord wholeheartedly.  Continue reading “Character for the Kingdom!”

Over It to Overjoyed!

Moving from “over it” to “overjoyed” is the difference between trusting in self and trusting in the Lord! With the combined roles of Daughter, Godly wife and homeschooling mom, I’ve come to recognize how my sole source of pure joy is from Christ alone and not self! Experientially, I’ve also learned that there’s no possible way for me deliver my duties with diligence without a keen insight into what my Heavenly Father’s desires are for me and my household. Moreover, there’s the added responsibility in upholding the position of friend, loving neighbor and faithful witness. Yes, we women wear many hats and that could seem overwhelming at times. Yet we can rejoice knowing we’re not left on our own! God’s Spirit instructs us in how to order your days aright while providing all we need to carry out those plans! And that is where genuine joy is found! Not that I follow every instruction perfectly, of course, but I can verify how peace is present when I do adhere to the Shepherd’s voice! Listening to Him over what I think best brings such simplicity and the utmost joy to life! Continue reading “Over It to Overjoyed!”


“Twins”… Not even going to lie, when the ultrasound tech uttered that word, I had several complex emotions run throughout me at one time! I’m sure you could just imagine! And as they grew within, the apprehension increased; for I continued to question if I could actually do a decent job of caring for twins while already having a hard enough time holding down the fort with my toddler and tween! Just the thought was extremely overwhelming! (And that is putting it mildly.)

Continue reading “Twins?!”