Going Beyond Where You are In The Lord

Time is short. Let the Holy Spirit bring you to the place with our Lord Yahushua that goes beyond where you are at today. There are a lot of stagnant ones out there. So many are worried, depressed, living for happy hour or sports or hooking up. This confuses me because that’s how I lived when I wasn’t yet saved.
You want purpose, you want adventure, you want your life to mean something more than it does now. I get it. But the only way there is by seeking the Lord to go deeper, friend.
So many believers are still living for themselves; wrapped up with the worries, pleasures & riches of this life. You’re stuck in that third soil from Matthew 13. Well, news flash: that’s right where the enemy wants you to be because you get deceived when your focus is on you or stuff here like houses, money, entertainment, depending on government, medications, etc. This western culture thinks those things are normal. It’s absolutely not. Look at the ones who did a great work for the Kingdom. Were they living like this world was their home or just passing through to share the Gospel message?
Just an example of this: I’m looking through all the books/DVDs at the library yesterday. They’re full of witchcraft & sorcery, y’all. And as I search, I keep thinking in my head “Wow, what a deception for our culture to think this is good or normal to read/let our children watch.” You’re planting seeds in the children for satan to gain a foothold. I know this stuff oh too well; for the Lord has shown me- plus I’ve seen it play out personally.
Please don’t settle for the lies. Go deeper with God. It’s only then that you’ll put down the falsehood and find true life here!

2 Replies to “Going Beyond Where You are In The Lord”

  1. Sister you said it! Taking a good long look at our lives and purpose in this world is crucial. When the Lord called me to him I knew I could not live the way I was living before. No more partying, watching ungodly movies or listening to most secular music. I was a fashion and beauty magazine junkie. I cancelled all my subscriptions. This is just a small glimpse at the things I did away with that weren’t holy, not of the Father. He blessed me in so many ways for this. Today, I now feel not of this world (as HE is not and we are in HIM) and I have no desire for the most the worldly things. Yes, I still like to do my hair and some makeup but it’s much less than before. As long as it’s not an idol which he spoke to me.
    My days and goals are Kingdom focused now. I could never look back.
    Wonderful writing sister! Love you!

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