Hard But True

Mommies, I know life is not easy, and we all have our own personal struggles so I do not come to you with judgement or condemnation here. But I must tell you how I have to beg you to consider making changes in your lifestyle no matter if you have to wear the same old clothes, drive an old vehicle, shut off cable and go without so that you may gain the God given pleasure of being home with your children. <3

Candidly, since I had to work, I raised one child who bounced around between daycare, school, after-school and Grandma’s everyday. Between my job and “doing my thing” as a single mom, I dated men who could provide nice things for us. Whole heartedly I believed by doing so, I was providing for my child. In all honesty, supporting her monetary needs alone was a far cry from parenting well. Hence, it cost me much pain later. Forgiveness is there through Christ but consequences did play out in both of our lives from those former decisions. Even after such a rough go, by God’s grace and much prayer, my firstborn has blossomed into a beautiful flower.  So, for anyone reading this who initially took a similar stance as parents like I had with my daughter, remember: “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”.

Presently, I am blessed to be able to stay home with these three little ones. But this also costs me something. The cost here is quite different though. It costs my time, my whole heart surrendering to the Father’s will, and dying to myself so that I may serve my family. We don’t have much materially nor do we have $ to spend on extras. But there’s no comparison to the gain in love, peace, joy, rest and delight I have in this life’s work!
If you have older ones, I’d still ask you to consider homeschooling no matter what. High school is no joke. Kids can be cruel. And the pressure to fit in, keep up and fight every day just to avoid bullying or invasion of the opposite sex, etc, is a force greater than I can explain in one post (not to instill fear but to keep it real).
In closing, moms, we have an opportunity to really raise a generation for the Lord by pouring into them instead of using that time to fight the culture, heal the heartache of the day & battle the heart attitudes of the children who are out of the parents’ shepherding arms more often than in them. Your house, your car, your job title, the accomplishments you consider success mean nothing in comparison to knowing you’ve spent yourself on behalf of your family. Trust a mother who’s lived both lives.
Sincerely, I understand those cases where mothers have to work, so PLEASE know that I relate to the the single mom, the husband out of work and other such seasons which require working outside the home, for we’ve had them too. But for those who could downsize, live on less and manage well enough if you but faced your fears… It’s you I’m asking to pray about this post because I won’t even go into the divorce rate, prodigals, mental health problems & on, which have alarmingly crept into the Body of Christ. And not that we can solve all of those broken issues right away, we can start with honing into our own families first from the inside out!
One last thing: Do not be afraid. Your Creator gave you these children for the very purpose of raising them & being their primary caregiver!!! And if this mom, who has battled tremendous insecurities, could be brought to even writing this with as much conviction as I have, you can surely do all things through Christ who strengthens you too! <3
Authentically, I write this because I felt led to put it out here knowing in my Spirit someone needs this encouragement to take that leap of faith & get those kiddos back in the home under your shepherding care. So, for that one this is for (whomever you may be), walk out what’s been in your heart from the beginning because Your Heavenly Father put it there! <3

Written in love for you (& concern too),

One Reply to “Hard But True”

  1. So beautiful! I have also been on both side and I can honestly say that being home with my youngest is such a huge blessing to me. As Christian parents, our main purpose in this life is to raise godly children. This is not a calling that we should take lightly. We are the teachers that will stand in judgement for these children not being brought up as God has ordained. I am so very thankful that we have a Father who is full of grace and mercy, but I also want to work so very hard to please him.
    If you are on the fence, let me tell you that there is no greater reward in this life than truly raising your own children, in the home, where they were meant to be. I promise you do not want the government raising them.
    Thank you Cristine for your heartfelt and honest post!
    Love and Blessings,

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