The Grace, Space and Pace to Run Your Race

The Book of Ecclesiastes says “My heart took delight in all my work, and this was the reward for all my labor.”  Are you delighting yourself in the Lord and the privilege He’s blessed you with of partaking in the sacred roles of wife and mother while upon the earth?  If so, a delightful countenance would be your reward, according to Solomon.  Do you walk around downtrodden, heavy laden, overburdened and stressed or do you understand how Solomon also goes on to say that there is nothing better than to find satisfaction in your work?  Actually, he boldly proclaims how “enjoying your lot in life is the gift of God!”  As one of the wisest men who ever lived, Solomon declares that “there is nothing better for us than to enjoy our work!”  His words are paramount for any Christian Sister to accept God’s grace and space and pace solely marked out for their distinct race!

As of late, my heart was drawn to the importance of appropriating God’s grace for our life’s race while simultaneously spurring others on in theirs!  This entails focused intensity yet integrity while we run!  We dare not contend with fellow believers as if they’re our competition but rather view them as comrades with us on the same winning team!  Since every woman has been given such a massive mission as a helpmate, caretaker, comforter, teacher and so on, in my opinion, there is no room for such rivalry amongst Sisters!  If we receive our responsibility as a high calling from our Creator Himself and gladly accept our allotment with gratitude, then the only other reasonable response to our female peers would be cheering them on in their work!

Like with runners who have to physically prepare, there’s a spiritual preparation for the race ahead.  As the Holy Spirit equips us with the fortitude needed for this marathon, it is concurrently our responsibility to learn the Scriptures and apply them.  The Word reminds us to adhere to the rules of engagement and congruently it builds soul strength and stamina within.  In the process of persevering, we must fight pride.  We are not the star runner, therefore we shouldn’t become distracted by striving to be better than someone else because discord within the Body slows all runners down who involve themselves in such meaningless controversies!  Together we aim to win not lose!  This loss may be avoided by simply supporting and celebrating another runner’s progress!  Hebrews 10:24 “Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds”!

There is a special grace exclusively for you.

It is written in Ephesians 4:26 “But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it” and in Romans 12:6 “We have different gifts according to the grace given us.”  So, have you appreciated this grace or are you stuck in “comparison-land”?  Do you look at others like they have better gifts, skills, and attributes other than yourself or are you too preoccupied praising the Creator of the Universe for what has been specifically kept for you?  The Word is clear on how everyone is made differently; not better than one another!  For, “…it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose” and “we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do”.   My prayer is the Truth told here will penetrate and transform your entire outlook towards your neighbor, whom we were called to love as ourselves; not envy with jealous spirits and covetous hearts.

There is a pace to keep when following the Lord.

Galatians says “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”  Since the pace will depend on what your individual track looks like, we dare not compare each others’ strides either.  No matter what course The Coach has you on, run with perseverance the race marked out for you while dually cheering on your teammates!

You have your own significant space to occupy within the Kingdom of God.

First, you need to acquire the desire to seek out your Lord and Savior and find fellowship with Him, trusting that you were chosen and predestined according to His plan like Ephesians states!  The proper position is one of joy and thankfulness of heart since we see that God marked out everyone’s appointed times in history and the boundaries beforehand, as we read in Acts.  Paul says “God did this so that we would seek Him.” In any courtship, there is a pursuit.  Jesus pursued you first!  But have you sought Him out in return?  Connecting with Christ more intimately births greater understanding of what personal place you hold in His heart as well as in His Kingdom!  Once we grasp how our relationship with Jesus is unlike any other, there is no leeway left for rivalry and contention among the Brethen.

There is a race to be won but not against others.

So, stay in your lane and keep running with vigilance and fervor, embodying a spiritual sportsmanship noteworthy of any honorable athlete!  Ergo, 1 Corinthians 15:58 announces: “Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”  Likewise, “Let your eyes look straight ahead and fix your gaze directly before you”.  In conclusion, whether you think someone is ahead or behind you, regardless, remember who holds the stopwatch and that at some point, the race will eventually end.

My final thought is that we’d conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel leaving no regrets on this race track called life.  May we encourage the rest of the racers, finish well and ultimately recognize how it is God who qualified us, put us in our unique division and enabled us to win in the first place!  On your mark, get set… GO, GIRLFRIEND!

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