
“Twins”… Not even going to lie, when the ultrasound tech uttered that word, I had several complex emotions run throughout me at one time! I’m sure you could just imagine! And as they grew within, the apprehension increased; for I continued to question if I could actually do a decent job of caring for twins while already having a hard enough time holding down the fort with my toddler and tween! Just the thought was extremely overwhelming! (And that is putting it mildly.)

When they arrived, I was absolutely overjoyed! But that looming doubt as to whether or not I would be a good mother of twins kept popping up! And in reality, the first eight weeks almost confirmed my hypothesis because with the lack of sleep factor, I don’t know how we even got done what we did but by God’s grace! All in all, He held us up and carried us through providing reprieve here and there by sending reinforcements at our point of collapse! And then, it happened… We hit our sweet spot. The twins slept 8 hours straight! Woo hoo! And from there forth, although we still had our learning curve with how to care for multiples, we were at least now functioning on more than a couple of hours of sleep. And that feeling felt GREAT! So, as the Spirit continued to strengthen us in how to parent multiples, we carried on!

Time went by where Aarron & I got to know them as the blessings they always were sent straight from above! They played and laughed together; always wanted to be near each other looking for each other one when not in the same room. And upon reuniting, they displayed such comfort in the other’s presence.

Fast forward, and I have two totally independent, unique and very different children. But the desire to continue working and playing (and sleeping) simultaneously is still there. They giggle and run and learn and react to situations as individuals yet always gravitating toward the other so that they can be together back in each other’s company!

In conclusion, God knows best. And even though I thought I might fail them as a mom, the Lord confirms time and time again that He purposely sent these precious two my way. Praise be to God that His ways are above our ways and thoughts above our thoughts! The crazy cool bonus is how Father named these two beforehand!  For, one day, long after they were born, He showed me Psalm 126! My son’s name means “to sow” and my daughter’s name means “joy”! “Those who SOW in tears will reap with songs of JOY. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to SOW, will return with songs of JOY!”. 

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