This Passover season, I felt it was necessary to not only share about the One who rose from the grave, defeating death, hell and the grave in the earth but how He comparatively overcame those same soul diseases in each of us which in the past have left us disabled, blind, lame and paralyzed! So, let this blog be your prescription.
Let’s take an assessment? Do you feel you may need a tourniquet for your heart? Are you bleeding out somewhere internally, unawares? Symptoms may include but are not limited to: depression, anger, suppressed emotions, hopelessness, prolonged pessimism and/or a loss of desire for life in general. The real question (as posted above) is: Are you willing to seek healing for the unforeseen, hurting, desolate parts of your soul?
There are spaces within us which lie untouched because we are not yet ready and are unwilling to completely fall into the arms of Jesus by surrendering our deep and secret woes, fears and burdens into His care. It is as if those compartments inside us are barred off tightly from anyone or anything entering in behind the walls. And those walls have probably been reinforced over time because our former modes of protection from enemies, both foreign and domestic, once worked in order to keep us safe, hidden and far away from danger. (I get it. That is why I can write about these types of topics in the first place.)
Unfortunately though, as true as it may be that once upon a time our defense mechanisms were the best methods we knew to survive, presently they actually block out the Spirit’s presence from moving through the hidden rooms of your heart where Jesus wants full access. It’s just like a Doctor who is treating you would require FULL ACCESS. The cool thing here is that Jesus already knows your diagnosis and has the “medicine” for what is wrong. So, why not trust God with the battered, beat down, broken portions of our souls? It’s not survival of the fittest anymore. No, now Jesus wants the weary, burdened aspects of you and me. Can you show Him your battle scars and believe that He will dress them for you? Our Lord asked the handicapped man at the pool this question, so before moving on I will ask it, too. And if you answer “yes”, then by all means… read on.
“Do you WANT to get well?”
The road to recovery begins by looking to the Great Physician for hope, as He is our Good Samaritan! Luke 10:34 tells us this: “He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him.” Many have endured blows from life and the world in general! What can be worse is how the people who could’ve, should’ve, would’ve come to aid and assist are the very ones who brought the beatings instead (emotionally and spiritually speaking). For the most part, each of us has our individual versions of The Good Samaritan story and can relate to the guy who got jumped and left for dead on the side of the road!
Some patients have been through the unthinkable. So wanting to hide from the traumas or feeling too tired to try is understandable. Like the traveler in the Good Samaritan, you are not left for dead though! Jesus can be trusted with the most extreme cases of rare illnesses caused by sickness of heart. But like a good patient who must trust their caretaker has good for them and not harm, it’s time to receive your Faithful Remedy!
The Great Physician also resuscitates us by breathing oxygen (Ruach) back into the lifeless corners of our souls which have been left without the air it’s needed to survive, thrive and be revived! Ezekiel Chapter 37 verses 5 and 6 verify the Truth of that statement where we read: “I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”
In exchange for the darkness and despair we often covet underneath the surface due to fear, the Savior desires our whole hearts! To fully heal the shattered pieces of our souls, we must let Jesus perform a spiritual lavage where our lacerations get washed thoroughly with the special salve only He carries! Sometimes we secretly hold onto negative, unhealthy things within because we’re familiar with them as if they are company and comfort or some kind of safety blanket! But if dysentery were left inside our system, yet not cleaned out, these toxins only make you ill!
We must flush our systems of poisons! And Jesus came to do just that! He set us free from the bondage of sin, death and decay in every facet of our being! Isaiah states it this way: “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him!” You see, Jesus went through the grueling process of torture and torment in His Body and soul so that we need not languish in ours any longer! Isaiah says it this way: “Surely Jesus took up our pain and bore our suffering. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. He was oppressed and afflicted”
What a better Healer to have than One who is familiar with our distress and altogether overcame that yoke when He was raised from the dead! “By His wounds we are healed!” With that said, let’s receive the supernatural balm He offers as the cure for our depraved condition!
Trust me, if you have read my prior posts, you would understand how I am writing from the perspective of a gal who knows the miracle power of Jesus’ touch as well as the deliverance and healing His ointment brings! On a personal level, I have experienced what happens when we unveil the mangled seams of our soul. Yahweh Raphe can and will sew them right up, never to be unsealed again!
Truth be told; it is a monumental act of faith to bring the Lord the shameful and humiliating portions of us which seem so utterly fragmented and frail. It is similar to showing a nurse behind the curtain what ugly pus long-ignored scabs breed. But once we open the door to those sealed off sections of our soul and allow our Loving Heavenly Father to reach in, He pours salve and oil over the cuts and abrasions. His hand begins to bind up the wounds which have caused us unrelenting pain for far too long! Immediately, His Spirit goes to work on patching the holes of our heart; repairing the broken parts and replenishing the obscure segments of our soul. Jesus nurses us with such tenderness and gentleness that the lies which left us dismembered in certain spots get bound up. And the jagged edges of our soul abrasions start to be covered by His protective bandages with words like “worthy”, “valued”… “His”.
Father God is also The Occupational Therapist you want by your side, for He rehabilitates our weak areas with His strength and teaches us how to walk out our newly restored and regenerate selves by moving with us well beyond recovery! Undeniably, I have found my Rock remains with me at every stage of healing while I am being built back up. Again, Isaiah writes: “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”
There is even more good news to come from conquering the infirmities of the soul like helping others do the same! Our Almighty Healer transforms our inner suffering into a great passion for others who are currently hurting! This passion inspires us to encourage others to trust God as Healer!
This is similar to people who are sent out on a medical missions team! Apparently, Hebrews 12:12-13 agrees with this conclusion: “Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees and make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.”
This Passover my aim is to make it known to you that if you are willing to make an appointment, treatment for your soul is available today! Call into God’s Divine Doctor’s office and visit Him ASAP! Jesus has openings just for you! Plus, there’s no wait! :)
So beautiful Cristine! It is so hard to let go of those past pains that affect so much today. Sometimes we do not even know what the problem is, we have hidden it so deeply. Or maybe we do not realize that the words said over us were oh so wrong. God is doing might things in my life right now. Taking one lie after another and banishing them! It is a beautiful thing. But we must come to Him, cry out to Him, and let Him.
Thank you for this!! Such a blessing,
You are welcome. I know all too well about the words written in this particular blog. They came from that hidden place many don’t know about when it comes to me or others like me. But you get it. And that is a comfort. Maybe I can be the same for someone else reading. That is the purpose of these blogs anyway. Thanks for exhorting me to start this here ministry. To God be the Glory! <3