Mentor and Disciple your children. It is seemingly a lost art in the Christian home but not for Jews or Muslims, for they get this right and drill their beliefs deep into the well of their children’s soul. Yet it is without the Messiah. Hence, should not the Redeemed of the Lord be leading with this way of life?!!! And if so, what would that influential life look like with the role of mother? In response to that significant question, I have gathered a few thoughts of my own which I chose to write about in this particular letter.
In order to do this great work, first be taught by the Holy Spirit of God yourself as to then be able to teach your children His commands! Prepare this generation for how to maneuver spiritually throughout the landmines of this world. And train them for the Kingdom so when the New Millenial Reign begins, they will know the ropes! For, this is not our home. We are only deployed here for a time to learn more of our Heavenly Father and lead others to do the same through Christ Jesus, Yahushua. Get in the zone. Time is short. Focus, Parents. The children need for you to show them the Way from here! The lost are dying, the sick are crying out and those captive are waiting for release! Your child(ren) just may be the vessel who brings them their Savior. Impart wisdom and knowledge to them by modeling what is right and how to live for the God Most High. Teach them His Word. Pray for them and with them. Speak promises of His blessings over them by name! Proclaim verses of Scripture for each child, young or old! Anoint them with oil. Show grace and kindness to yourself and them when there’s sin, yet confess those sins and lead by example with repentance. Then, receive Jesus’ forgiveness for all parties. Walk in mercy and the Truth of God’s Word. Serve Him wholeheartedly with joy and thanksgiving so the children would want to emanate you. Be charitable and hospitable with all people and things. Remain humble. And continue to stand firm in the faith during times of trouble.
Your entire life, Mom and Dad, is a sounding board for your sons and daughters. They will hear you best with their eyes. So, be vigilant in the fight against the evil one with your spiritual weapons of warfare explained in 2 Corinthians 10:5, Ephesians 6 and Psalms 18 & 91. Be slow to become angry by letting the Lord quiet you with His love. Remember Whose you are so that you can remind your offspring Whose they are as well! Bring encouragement, affection and praise to the table every day! Cry out to Jesus and let them see the humility it takes to trust your Savior. Likewise, lift His Name on High in the times when you need only to be still and know that He is fighting the battles for you because Christ intercedes for us. Smile and focus your full attention on their faces while they are talking to you. And cuddle with your children… a lot. Let them climb into your lap or lay down to snuggle with you while watching a movie. Leave them notes to tell them how proud you are of them for WHO they are & not just what they have accomplished. Love their fathers well with respect and honor for being the head of your household. Walk slowly and hold their hands out in public. Love and enjoy your days by capturing each moment in your heart like the collection of memories which add up to one huge offering unto God. Sacrifice time, money and energy often. And let go of any distractions which deter you from them being well spent!
In wrapping up , aim to be a good steward, and recognize how communing with Abba and those He gave you in this life is the best use of your days. Walk in integrity. And Cristine, read this over an over again until your very nature reflects every single word from this letter. Reader, if you have read this far, I meant to tell you earlier, this message was addressed to me but I hope it has helped you to see what is most important as well!