Proverbs 24:3-4 “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowlegde its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures!”
One of the walls in our bedroom is full of Scripture verses I’ve prayed in times of needing to trust in God’s promises. There are also photos of our wedding day, children’s births/birthdays & other times where faces full of joy were caught on camera. Pictures my children drew or painted also adorn this wall. Many of them are of Jesus and angels or churches and rainbows. They’ve also written beautiful sayings like ” God loves you” or “I love Jesus” which got taped up there in plain site for us to set our eyes upon daily as a captivating remembrance of those simple Truths.
So, I call this place the wall of God’s faithfulness. No matter what we’re going through, my husband & I can always come in here to gaze at this visual proof of the Lord’s handiwork in our lives. And the virtual reminder of His love brings cheer to our hearts every day. <3
In a world where there can be so much negativity, may you find a space in your home (either big or small) to serve as a living memorial to your family how Father God has your whole world in His hands, too! 🙂
One of the walls in our bedroom is full of Scripture verses I’ve prayed in times of needing to trust in God’s promises. There are also photos of our wedding day, children’s births/birthdays & other times where faces full of joy were caught on camera. Pictures my children drew or painted also adorn this wall. Many of them are of Jesus and angels or churches and rainbows. They’ve also written beautiful sayings like ” God loves you” or “I love Jesus” which got taped up there in plain site for us to set our eyes upon daily as a captivating remembrance of those simple Truths.
So, I call this place the wall of God’s faithfulness. No matter what we’re going through, my husband & I can always come in here to gaze at this visual proof of the Lord’s handiwork in our lives. And the virtual reminder of His love brings cheer to our hearts every day. <3
In a world where there can be so much negativity, may you find a space in your home (either big or small) to serve as a living memorial to your family how Father God has your whole world in His hands, too! 🙂