I have something on my
<3 this morning.
As I look over the past 10 years of my life as a married woman/engaged woman, I think upon how blessed I have been because of God’s grace & mercy through Jesus Christ & nothing less. I also think about how many struggles I had as a young, single mother those many years before this blessed matrimony came to be. And I thought upon how the fact that I got married did not nullify the fact that “in this life we will have troubles.”
What I mean is, I honestly do believe that married, single or dating- had I not been found by the very God who saved me through Christ’s shed blood on the Cross- I am convinced I would not be alive this day. Really. Because, you see, without the Lord I was on the path to destruction with a quickness- regardless of my relationship status.
And it is only since I was saved from myself (back in those single mother days) by the very One who made me did I find my first true love. The relationship with my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit is THE most important thing in my life. Period.
And without the love of the Spirt of the Living God I was gifted with & embraced with back in those days of trials & hardships as a young mom trying to find her way while raising a daughter… I would never have learned how to truly love my now husband; let alone make it through the toughest of battles which was to come in this God-anointed marriage.
With that said, I do believe most of my healing, deliverance, pruning, stretching, growing, maturing & sanctification did indeed occur within the covering of Aarron as my husband- but only because we’ve both been covered by the shelter of the Most High first.
So, please hear me! Whether you are single & struggling or married & struggling there is only one answer- Matthew 6:33
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Love from a girl who received way more than I ever deserved- not because of who I am… rather- in spite of who I am & only because of the greatest love that ever was: Jesus Christ YAHUSHUA ha Mashiach. <3