Capture Your Canvas And Let Your Life Be God’s Artwork!

Ones value and worth should not be praised at only the obvious times of one’s life which the world calls “milestones”.   You know, I’m talking about the highlight reel of a person’s existence which Hallmark cards are made for!

Let us not merely limit our love and appreciation to special occasions like graduations, birthdays, weddings, and sadly, funerals.  One must express how priceless people are WAY beyond these crossroads in life!  To wait in celebrating the impact someone has had here to so few “noteworthy” junctions is flat out wrong.  We need to weigh the cost of withholding our different displays of love & appreciation to such isolated events.  I mean, we say we’ll get around to doing that thing for them, make that important phone call, or find time to write that letter/email before it’s too late.  This should not be the case.  Do it now as a pleasure before it turns into an obligation because the yearly Christmas get-together is coming up or their anniversary is near,and it would be awkward for you to show up without a card & present, right?And while I do not mean to diminish monumental moments meant to be acknowledged throughout one’s journey like those mentioned above, God’s children are worth way more than some ritualist gesture of acknowledgement.  

God commands us in this life to put loving Him and loving others front & center.  Well now, what does that look like?  Can we spend an hour with a lonely friend?  Can we listen to a story told by a family member for the 100th time?  Can we make someone soup when they fall ill?  Can we watch others’ children so a couple can go out on a date night, or a tired mommy can finally have a break?  

What does “capturing the canvas” look like to you?  This is the title The Lord gave to me.  I believe it is meant to illustrate how we could paint our own pictures of love for Him by loving others.  My children draw, color & make pictures for me everyday to portray their love for me.  This is what it looks like to the Father when we use our gifts, skills & personality traits for good to help bless others.  

We don’t serve our neighbor to gain God’s love- no!  Jesus sacrificed it all on our behalf.  Therefore, in light of Our Lord offering Himself up, on a small scale we follow suit when we give of ourselves on behalf of a Son or Daughter.  When our own actions depict how that Brother or Sister is worth our time, money & efforts it honors God and reflects who Jesus is too!

We follow our Saviors example in serving others with charitable hearts when we encourage them, comfort them, keep them company, buy them an unexpected gift & so on.  Drowned in this knowledge, one cannot resist responding to the needs of others with such contributions in light of the God’s great love having been so generously poured out for us on that Cross!  We did nothing to deserve salvation.  In turn, with gratitude for receiving the best gift ever given, when we commit these kind acts of service to our fellow man, we likewise freely give just because of our love for them!  

So, don’t wait on that trademark moment.  “Capture your canvas” today and let your life be His artwork!❤

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